
B = building width normal to oncoming wind
CD = drag force coefficient
CM = non-dimensional moment coefficient
D = building depth
f = frequency
f1 = first mode natural frequency
g = peak factor
gB = background peak factor
gR = resonant peak factor
H = building height
H1(f) = first mode structural transfer function
I = mass moment of inertia
m = mass
= expected extreme value of moment or torque response
= mean of moment or torque response
= reference moment or torque
= background base moment or base torque
= resonant base moment or base torque response
= mean wind load
= resonant component of equivalent static wind loading
= resultant wind-induced response
= mean wind-induced response component
= peak background wind-induced response component
= peak resonant wind-induced response component
SM(f) = power spectral density of fluctuating base moment or torque response
SM(f) = power spectral density of aerodynamic base moment or torque
T = observation time
= mean wind velocity evaluated at building height
= peak acceleration
a = exponent of mean wind velocity profile
g = radius of gyration
j1 = fundamental mode shape in direction of motion
r = air density
sM = root mean square of fluctuating base moment or base torque response
sM = root mean square of aerodynamic moment
z1 = first mode critical damping ratio


B = background component
D = alongwind direction
L = acrosswind direction
R = resonant component
T = torsional direction